Versione italiana

Pipe Organs

Sestri Levante - Basilica S. Maria di Nazareth
Builder: Fratelli Serassi
Year built: 1832
Sestri Levante - Basilica S. Maria di Nazareth

The organ in the Basilica of St. Mary of Nazareth in Sestri Levante is one of the most important organs of the Riviera di Levante. It is a magnificent instrument built by the famous brothers Serassi of Bergamo in 1832 and bears the opus number 465.

It has a keyboard of 56 keys and range of C1-G5 with the first octave chromatic and division Bassi-Soprani between B2 and C3 and a flat pedalboard of 24 pedals. Restored according to the dictates of the Cecilian reform by brothers Lingiardi in 1918, which made the first octave chromatic and replaced some stops. The organ currently has the following stops, operated by levers placed in two columns to the right of the keyboard:

Prima colonnaSeconda colonna
Terza manoPrincipale 16' bassi
Cornetto I sopraniPrincipale 16' soprani
Cornetto II sopraniPrincipale 8' bassi
Fagotto bassiPrincipale 8' soprani
Tromba sopraniOttava bassi
Clarone bassiOttava soprani
Corno inglese sopraniDuodecima
Viola BassiDecimaquinta
Flauto TraversoDecimanona
Flauto in VIIIVigesimaseconda
Violone bassiVigesimasesta e nona
Violino sopraniTrigesima terza e sesta
Bombarda in 16' [al pedale]Quadragesima prima e terza
Voce UmanaControbassi e rinforzi
Tremolounione del tasto al pedale

The instrument was restored in 2012 by Bottega Organara Dell'Orto and Lanzini of Dormelletto (NO).

Code and graphic by Lucio Marinelli