Versione italiana

Pipe Organs

Verzi - Chiesa parrocchiale San Andrea Apostolo
Builder: Giacomo Locatelli
Year built: 1892
Verzi - Chiesa parrocchiale San Andrea Apostolo

The organ in the parish church of Verzi is a fine example of the Lombard organ school of the nineteenth century. It is placed in the choir loft above the main entrance within a wooden case placed against the wall, with a front of three bays each by a spire. The mouths of the pipes, with the upper lip in miter and point cantilever, are aligned.

Built by Giacomo Locatelli in 1892, it presents a chromatic keyboard of 58 keys (C1-A5) with the division between bass and treble between B2 and C3 and a flat pedalboard with 20 pedals (C1-G2). It consists of the following stops:

Prima colonnaSeconda colonna
a lato della tastieraa lato della tastiera
CampanelliPrincipale bassi
Cornetto a tre vociPrincipale soprani
Fagotto bassiOttava bassi
Trombe sopraniOttava soprani
Violoncello bassiDecimaquinta
Oboe sopraniXIX e XXII
Corno inglese sopraniXXVI e XXIX
Flauto in ottava bassiContrabbassi
Flauto in ottava sopraniUnione tasto pedale
Flauto traversoVoce umana
Viola bassiDuodecima

Accessories: Combinazione libera alla lombarda, Tirapieno, Banda militare (made of 2 piatti, Campanelli, Grancassa and Rollante).

At the front pedaletti for Fagotto bassi, Trombe soprani, Corno inglese, Ottavino, Unione tasto pedale, Terza mano, tremolo and Timballone.

The instrument was revised in 2005 by Bottega organara Dell'Orto and Lanzini of Dormelletto - Arona.

Code and graphic by Lucio Marinelli