Versione italiana

Pipe Organs

Villanova d'Albenga - Chiesa parrocchiale di Santo Stefano
Builder: Brunelli
Year built: Prima metà del 700
Villanova d'Albenga - Chiesa parrocchiale di Santo Stefano

The organ, placed above the main entrance, is contained in a wooden case placed against the wall, finely carved with floral decorations in relief. On the molding the writing: "Laudate Deum in voce cordis et organo / anno Domini MDCCCXXVII"; the year (1827) in which the organ was installed in Villanova.

The instrument comes from the church of S. Ambrogio in Milan. All metal pipes were removed in the 50s (from a script it appears that "the thieves carried off the organ pipes to fuse and transform them into pellets for cartridges", on-site there are only 24 wooden pipes of Contrabbassi. The prospectus was placed in cusp with wings including a total of 30 pipes. The keyboard, with first octave short, has 52 keys with a range of C1-G5. The diatonic are plated in bone, the chromatic of ebony. The pedalboard, lectern shaped, has 17 pedals with the first eighth in sixth, plus a command to the Terza mano.

The stops are operated by horizontal scrolling levers placed in two rows to the right of the keyboard.

Colonna internaColonna esterna
Principale in 8 BassiPrincipale 2 soprano
Principale in 8 SopraniOttava bassi
Fluta sopranaOttava soprani
Trombe sopraneQuintadecima (bassi)
Violoncello (bassi)Quintadecima (soprani)
Fagotto bassiDecima 9a bassi (intera)
Corno inglese (soprani)Vigesima 2a
Flauto in ottavaVigesima 6a
Ottavino (soprani)Vigesima 9a
Voce UmanaTrigesimaterza
Terza manoTrigesimasesta
Code and graphic by Lucio Marinelli